
Chapter 15-16

Date: 03/10/2014 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 15:1-17:13 |


We see how Jesus breaks down barriers - first ceremonial cleansing, then the Jew-gentile distinction when he heals the Canaanite woman's daughter.
Chapter 15-162021-02-08T11:13:08+00:00

Chapter 19-20

Date: 03/10/2014 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 19:1-20:34 |


As Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem he faces the pharisees' questions on divorce; the rich young ruler's block to following Jesus and being
Chapter 19-202021-02-08T11:27:48+00:00

Chapter 7-9

Date: 03/10/2014 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 7:1-9:17 |


Roger begins with the sermon on the mount (7:1-29) with Jesus's teaching on judging others, prayer and the positive 'golden rule' (7:12),
Chapter 7-92021-02-08T11:33:52+00:00

Chapter 9-11

Date: 03/10/2014 ()

Bible Text: Matthew 9:18-34 |


Jesus heals the haemorrhaging woman, raises Jairus' young daughter from the dead and delivers a mute man, showing his supernatural authority. Jesus
Chapter 9-112021-02-08T11:35:37+00:00
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