Calling all 18-24 year olds who want to deepen their discipleship and discover the call of God on their lives!
The Ichthus Internship is a full-time opportunity for young adults to serve, learn and grow in the local church context. Receive teaching and mentoring centrally from the Ichthus Training Team covering subjects like Theology and Biblical Understanding, Spiritual Gifts, Evangelism and Overseas Missions. Work out your placement in an Ichthus congregation and get a full, hands-on experience of all the week-by-week activities of the church – including Sunday set-up/set-down, children and youth work, community outreach, special events and conferences, worship and prayer.
It’s a rolling programme which can be entered at any time during the year by arrangement. Interns should plan to stay a minimum of two months to gain the most from the programme, but usually should invest 6-12 months. Accommodation is in the Ichthus Training House in Forest Hill, SE London.
COST: £120 per month (includes accommodation and basic board)

Full name: David Cascado López Castilla Boga.
Where born: I was born in a little town called Puertollano in the south of Spain.
Occupation: I studied Electrical Engineering but now I am working as a kitchen porter while I serve around Ichthus on a semi-internship.
Favourite worship song: ‘How Great is Our God’.
Favourite Bible verse: John 3:16.
Best thing about Ichthus so far: they are already a family which I belong to.

Full name: Estefanía Saiz Bautista.
Age: 18 years old.
Where born: Madrid, Spain.
Favourite food: Fruit and vegetables.
Favourite worship song: My favourite worship song was written by a man from the church I belong to in Spain. It is called ‘Fuente Inagotable’ which could be translated as ‘Unending Current’, referring to the infinite love of God that comes from his grace.
Favourite Bible verse: Ephesians 3:14-21.