Roger and Faith Forster – Founders & Apostles

Roger Forster became a Christian as a student at St John’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated in Maths and Theology. After National Service in the RAF, Roger worked as an itinerant evangelist until 1974, when he established Ichthus Christian Fellowship. Among many wider responsibilities he served as Chairman of the Evangelical Alliance Council, and as Honorary Vice-President of Tearfund. Through the experience of Ichthus Praise-Marches in London, Roger became a founder of March for Jesus, a movement which has gone worldwide. He has authored or co-authored more than twenty books. Roger, the deeply loved founder and apostle of Ichthus went to be with the Lord on Wednesday 17th January 2024. He passed away peacefully at home.
Faith Forster has been involved in Christian ministry and leadership since her early twenties. She received a clear call as a teenager, confirmed by her church pastor. Since nursing training seemed the most useful preparation for pioneer mission work, Faith became a registered nurse. She then trained in and later taught linguistics with Wycliffe Bible Translators. When Roger and Faith married, they were planning to serve together overseas, but the Lord impressed London on them as their primary mission-field. Thus Ichthus was born.
Within Ichthus, Faith leads the Prayer Community, as well as preaching and teaching in the congregations. For nine years Faith served on the International Board of the World Evangelical Fellowship and for fifteen years on the Executive of the UK Evangelical Alliance. She is a published poet, and co-authored the book ‘Women and the Kingdom’ with Roger.
Roger and Faith have three married children and six grandchildren.
Ichthus Ministry Team
The Spiritual leadership of Ichthus is held with a team of leaders called the Ministry Team, led by Henry George. All of the team lead, or have led, Ichthus congregations and have graduated successfully from our Ichthus Leadership Course, Radical Network (RadNet).

Henry George
Ministry Team Leader, Congregation Leader of Ichthus Belvedere
Henry has served in a number of Ichthus roles across 16 years – leading congregations, overseeing worship, heading up live-streaming and church planting in Bangkok. Henry now leads the Ichthus Ministry Team and is passionate about Ichthus Theology and ‘Church on the Streets’. He graduated from RadNet in 2007.

Debbie Laycock
Congregation Leader of Ichthus Forest Hill, Training Co-Ordinator
Debbie helped to plant Ichthus New Life and now leads the Ichthus congregation in Forest Hill. She also serves on the Central Training and Conferences Teams. She loves to see people rising up in their calling, discovering their gifts and using them to bear fruit for Jesus and His kingdom! Debbie also serves on the board of the Evangelical Alliance and graduated from RadNet in 2001

Abi Willetts
Overseas Co-Ordinator, Pastoral Co-Ordinator
Abi planted Ichthus New Life in Greenwich and led the congregation for over 18 years. She is now the pastoral advisor to the Ichthus London congregations and co-ordinates Ichthus’s Overseas Missions work. She is passionate about church planting and seeing more of the Holy Spirit’s activity in the church.
Abi graduated from RadNet in 2001

Phil Tate
Congregation Leader of Ichthus Southcroft Church, Evangelism Co-Ordinator
Phil came to London in 2000 and first trained in urban youth work and then worked for XLP before training with Ichthus. He has led Ichthus Southcroft in Streatham with his wife Hayley since 2007 and later planted Ichthus Hope Church in Mitcham. Phil also heads up Evangelism in Ichthus and is passionate about the Gospel! He completed RadNet in 2004

Joel Todd
Congregation Leader of Ichthus Lee Green, Properties Manager
Joel has led Ichthus Lee Green congregation with his wife Caz since 2015. They completed RadNet together in 2010, and Joel went on to work as a Project Engineer before going into ministry and is part of the Ichthus Management Team.
He is passionate about seeing Jesus transform lives.

Lydia George
Congregation Leader of Ichthus Belvedere, Operations Manager
Lydia leads Ichthus Belvedere congregation and also serves on the Ichthus Management Team. She spent 4 years in Thailand, and before that led Ichthus Lee Green congregation with Henry. She is passionate about evangelism and reaching out to grow the church through new converts. She graduated from RadNet in 2007.

Joshua Walker
Training Co-Ordinator
Joshua helped to plant Ichthus Hope Mitcham in 2017, where he still serves, fellowships and worships.
He serves Ichthus centrally in evangelism, training and youth and he is passionate about seeing the church work to fulfil the great commission. He graduated from Leadership Mentoring in 2020.
Congregation Leaders

Abide Congregation (Crouch End)
Sarah Larkin
Graduated from RadNet in 2003

Belvedere Congregation
Belvedere Congregation
Lydia George
Graduated from RadNet in 2007

Chislehurst Congregation
David Jacklin
Graduated from RadNet in 2010

Forest Hill Congregation
Debbie Laycock
Graduated from RadNet in 2001

Hope Congregation (Mitcham)
Andrew & Biz Boyle
Graduated from RadNet in 2004 and 2019 respectively

Lee Green Congregation
Joel & Charis Todd
Both graduated from RadNet in 2010

New Life Congregation (Greenwich)
Stephen McArdle
Graduated from RadNet in 2003

New Wine Congregation (Islington)
David & Gillian Curtis
David graduated from RadNet in 2003

Sittingbourne Congregation
Sittingbourne Congregation
Bill & Janet Findlater

Southcroft Congregation (Streatham)
Phil & Hayley Tate
Graduated from RadNet in 2004 and 2006 respectively
Management Team

David Pharoah – Chairman

Lydia George

Joel Todd