Merry Christmas!
We are so excited about our new Ichthus Christmas Gospel album 2!
We have absolutely LOVED bringing these traditional Christmas songs to life with new arrangements and energy (for the second time!). It is an overflow of our love for worshipping Jesus at this wonderful time of the year.
Something old and familiar gives us comfort and security, and something new gives us hope for the future. This is the true message of Christmas! The eternal God, creator of the universe, wants to give us something far deeper than security – he gives us salvation. In sending his son Jesus, the everlasting God was born as one of us, to heal and forgive us for the past and to give us real and lasting hope and a future.
As we sing in ‘Away In A Manger’: ‘He is the God of the humble, the broken and needy… he is the God of compassion in his incarnation.’ In being born as one of us, God has shown us the true meaning of compassion. This Christmas we pray that you will taste something of that compassion as you sing along to these songs and join the everlasting song of thanks to God that rings around this world in the hearts of every believer.
The album is available for streaming, download and physical CD.
Streaming and download platforms include; Apple Music (iTunes), Spotify, Amazon Music and YouTube
To purchase a physical CD, click below