Harvest Ready 7th – 8th February

This conference is via invitation only if you would like to attend please speak to your congregation leader

We are living in days of breakthrough for the gospel! God is moving by his Spirit, drawing people home to himself and transforming lives. In the midst of global instability, Jesus is the Lord of salvation, the Lord of the Harvest! Let’s be ‘Harvest-Ready’!
We are thrilled to be gathering for our Ichthus Leaders Conference in a different venue this year, and we hope you will join us! We are going to meet in the heart of London at London City Mission, near Tower Bridge, to seek the Lord together and allow Him to work in our lives as his servants in his harvest field. It will be deeply prophetic to meet in this central London venue and look out over the Thames together as we worship and hear from His word.
Jesus speaks to us with his inspiring and challenging vision for these days: Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. (John 4:35)
This is the mission of the church, the people of God, the agents of his kingdom on earth.
He wants us to be HARVEST READY in London, with our eyes lifted up to see it all! This conference is our opportunity to be refreshed and renewed, to shake off disappointment and be READY for God to move in power.
The Conference will be non-residential, but if you would like to book yourself into a nearby hotel, feel free to ring the Ichthus Office for a list. We will be providing drinks and snacks on the Friday evening (not a full meal) but then a boxed hot meal for lunch and light sandwich dinner on the Saturday.

There will be a parent-led creche room for pre-school children aged 0-4 with a speaker link to the main conference room.

Girma Bishaw - FIEC We are delighted to welcome Girma Bishaw from the London Project to share at the conference. Girma has a particular focus on serving diaspora church leaders to be more effective in mission. He also serves as the director of Gratitude Initiative, a charity that exists to promote the sharing of gratitude to change the social imagination that leads to relational transformation, a fulfilled self and a sense of belonging. Before founding Gratitude Initiative, Girma served as a pastor of the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church, where he played a key role in the planting of diaspora churches in London as well as across the UK.

The programme will be released nearer the event, but here are approximate timings for the conference:

Friday 7th February 2025
7pm Registration Opens
Tea, Coffee & Snacks Available
7:30pm – 9pm Session 1
Saturday 8th February 2025
10:00am Session 2
11:30am Session 3
12:30pm Hot Lunch
1:30 – 2:30pm Worship & Prayer for London (outside)
3pm Session 4
5pm Light sandwich tea
5:30pm Session 5 with commissioning & anointing


We are grateful to London City Mission for allowing us to hold our conference in their Central London main offices located near Tower Bridge on the South Side. It is easily accessible by public transport and very picturesque in the heart of London.