Our next series of Bible Stream will start again in October.  However, you can view the previous sessions of bible stream below.

How Did Bible School Begin…..

The journey Roger has led us on through the years of Bible School has been totally life-changing for so many of us and has shaped who we are in Christ, our theology and understanding of God! In this new season, Roger will continue bringing us teaching and theology via the Ichthus YouTube channel as and when he is able, but not in the same monthly Bible School format for the moment.

In recognition that Bible School was built around Roger’s unique gifting, anointing and ministry, we have slightly re-branded Bible School and named it Ichthus Bible Stream and will continue on the  first Saturday of every month.

Each Ichthus Bible Stream will be made up of two sessions – the first will still contain in-depth Biblical study, analysis and historical context. The second will be more of an application and practical unpacking of how the content of the first session applies to our lives and the church today. We will still have some guest speakers and the opportunity to engage with live questions and comments.