From the 31 May until 28th June we ran a mission called Little Bit of Love! It was an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus with our neighbourhoods. These were some of the things we did during the month of June:
- Prayer Walking
Prayer Walking is a great way to prepare your own heart and a good way to prepare the ground for the Gospel. For more about prayer walking, please watch our training video by Faith Forster.
2. Bags (or Boxes) of Blessing
Our name for the Mission is “A Little Bit of Love”. We prayed that the Lord will use every one of us in Ichthus to share the love and kindness of Jesus in tangible ways, towards people we know, and those we don’t, in our community. We gave out bags and boxes of blessings to neighbours, friends and contacts in our areas.
A Box of Blessing included essential items such as:
- UHT Milk
- Bread
- Eggs
- Tea bags
- Sugar
- Fruit
A Bag of Blessing also included other items such as:
- Flowers
- Chocolates
3. Prayer, Prayer and Prayer!
Billy Graham’s top three tips for evangelism were ‘Prayer, Prayer and Prayer!’ Alongside prayer walking, we encouraged everyone to pray for some individuals or families they knew. We all know people who don’t yet know Jesus, or who have drifted away from their faith. We want you to keep praying for those who you were reaching out to during the mission.
4. Training
To help equip and fuel the Mission, Ichthus released a short training video each week.
5. Evangelistic Gospel Meetings on You Tube
We held 3 Evangelistic Meetings on You Tube, as well as a commissioning meeting on 31 May, Pentecost Sunday. You can watch those on our You Tube channel or below:
31st May: Pentecost Commissioning
14th June: Covid-19: Is God to Blame?
21 June: Where is the love?
28th June: What Am I Living For?