2 Kings Overview
Date: 16/12/2008 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
Roger gives a brief overview of the themes and characters found in the books of 1 and 2 Kings. We see howDate: 16/12/2008 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
Roger gives a brief overview of the themes and characters found in the books of 1 and 2 Kings. We see howDate: 04/12/2008 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
In this brief session, Roger gives an outline and overview to the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 KingsDate: 12/07/1979 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: 2 Kings 2:1-25 | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
The first session looking at the lives of Elijah (God is) and Elisha (God saves). Roger focuses on Elijah's mantle, which representsDate: 22/07/1979 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: 2 Kings 2:15-25 | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
Roger looks at three different oppositions Elisha faced once the firstborn spirit of Elijah was upon him: the sons of the prophetsDate: 26/07/1979 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
Roger looks at how Elisha returns to the very three places that he had to move on from in order to receiveDate: 16/07/2003 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: 2 Kings
In this teaching session Roger looks in depth at the events surrounding the 'going up' of Elijah and the transfer of the