Colossians Overview
Date: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
In this session Roger gives a brief overview of Paul's letter to the Colossian church, which was probably planted by Epaphrus, whomDate: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
In this session Roger gives a brief overview of Paul's letter to the Colossian church, which was probably planted by Epaphrus, whomDate: 16/08/2004 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
In this first session on Paul's epistle to the Colossians, Roger looks at the preeminence of Christ. We look at Jesus asDate: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
First Roger finishes off the topic from session one, Christ the first, looking at Jesus as the beginning of the new creation,Date: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
In the third session looking at Colossians, Roger investigates the three places where the theme of rewards and losses is mentioned. WeDate: 19/08/2004 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Colossians
In the final talk in this series on Colossians, we pick up the concept of the kingdom, and how as Christians we