[001]Hebrews Chapter 1 & 2
Date: 09/09/2015 (Preachers' Fellowship)
Bible Text: Hebrews 1:1-2:18 | Roger Forster
Series: Hebrews (Preachers' Fellowship)
1:1-3 begins at 38 mins; 1:4ff begins at 66 mins; Ch 2 begins at 92 mins[001]What Jesus Said About Money
Date: 10/01/2010 (Celebration)
Bible Text: | Abi Willetts
Series: What Jesus Said About…
In this series of talks we look at what Jesus said and discover how they play out in our day-to-day lives.[002]Hebrews Chapters 4-6
Date: 07/10/2015 (Preachers' Fellowship)
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:1-6:20 | Roger Forster
Series: Hebrews (Preachers' Fellowship)
[002]John 1
Date: 23/04/2014 (Preachers' Fellowship)
Bible Text: John 1:1-51 | Roger Forster
Series: John (Preachers’ Fellowship)
Begins with introduction and first section on verses 1 to 18. Second section on verses 19 to 28 starts at 1h22m. Third[002]Kingdom, Power and Glory
Date: 12/07/2009 (Celebration)
Bible Text: | Abi Willetts
Series: Seek First the Kingdom of God
From a series of four preaches on the kingdom of Jesus.[002]Lord Make Me Holy
Date: 18/04/2010 (Celebration)
Bible Text: | Bobby Dooley
Series: The Names of God
Second in the series on the names of God. (76mins)