Welcome to FAQs with the Forsters!
In this section you will find short, sharp answers to some really difficult life questions, like Why don’t some prayers get answered? Why would a loving God allow suffering? How does God want to use women in the church? These questions are so important, and the Bible tells us we should think, study, and meditate on God’s words as much as we can. 1 Peter 3:15 says “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”. If you are a new Christian, or someone seeking to know more about God, you may be asking these questions yourself for the first time. Or you may have been a Christian a long time but never understood how to answer difficult questions like this. Whoever you are, we hope that you will be blessed, encouraged and built up by some of our short answers in these videos. If you have more questions about God, the Bible or Theology, please contact us admin@ichthus.org.uk