Jeremiah Overview
Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Jeremiah, the longest of the major prophets, has a reputation for prophesying misery and judgment, and his suffering identifies him as aDate: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Jeremiah, the longest of the major prophets, has a reputation for prophesying misery and judgment, and his suffering identifies him as aDate: 09/10/2006 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
%todo_render%Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Continuing the series on Jeremiah, looking at chapters 30-33, known as ‘the book of comfort’. (95 mins)Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Continuing our look at Jeremiah, this is part two of the series on the book of comfort – chapters 30 to 36.Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
In this session we look at the section in Jeremiah known as the book of Baruch, in chapters 40 to 45. (60Date: 10/03/2007 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
%todo_render%Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Jeremiah 2:1-3:25 | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Israel’s apostasy – Roger takes us through chapter two of the book of Jeremiah. He begins with its structure and shows usDate: 07/11/2007 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
%todo_render%Date: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Jeremiah 6:1-7:34 | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
In this session Roger takes us through chapters six and seven of Jeremiah, continuing on from the previous session, chapter six dealsDate: 17/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Jeremiah 8:4-10:25 | Roger Forster
Series: Jeremiah
Roger explains how Jeremiah 8:4-10:25 is held together by three themes that run through the passage. The first theme is to know