Chapter 15-17
Date: 12/02/2005 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Acts 15:1-17:15 | Roger Forster
Series: Acts
%todo_render%Date: 12/02/2005 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Acts 15:1-17:15 | Roger Forster
Series: Acts
%todo_render%Date: 05/04/1980 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: | Roger Forster
Series: Genesis
Continuing the series on Genesis, looking at Hagar and Ishmael. (Please excuse the poor quality of the sound recording) (40 mins)Date: 22/09/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Luke 16:1-17:37 | Roger Forster
Series: Luke
In this session Roger focuses on the story of the rich man and Lazarus, which does not seem to be a parableDate: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Matthew 17:24-18:6 | Roger Forster
Series: Matthew
Roger takes up Jesus’s teaching on the church, the kingdom people, in response to the disciples’ question about who is the greatestDate: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Matthew 18:1-35 | Roger Forster
Series: Matthew
Roger reiterates and builds on the previous talk about the status of the believer, being like that of a little child. TheDate: 22/09/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Luke 18:18-21:38 | Roger Forster
Series: Luke
Here Roger looks at Luke 18-21. First we focus on the stories of the wealthy ruler and Zacchaeus, and then at theDate: 03/10/2014 (Right Through the Bible)
Bible Text: Matthew 19:1-20:34 | Roger Forster
Series: Matthew
As Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem he faces the pharisees’ questions on divorce; the rich young ruler’s block to following Jesus and being