Phil Howell leads Hope Church, Crewe, with his wife Emma. They recently saw God move powerfully during their Love Crewe mission week. Phil writes:
The Love Crewe mission was the most extraordinary week! There were 12 churches in the town involved in the mission on various levels.

Each morning on the streets, many Christians found a new boldness and confidence to speak to people on the street and invite them to the meetings coming up. There were a significant number of people who gave their lives to Jesus in the town. There were also many dramatic healings, such as a young lady on crutches who had four slipped discs, which we had a word of knowledge about. God ministered to her emotionally, but after more prayer she could walk normally and left with her crutches on her shoulder! Praise Jesus! There were a number of healings of deafness in the town: for example on Saturday we met a man as we were walking back to the church. He had a hearing aid and a team member asked if he would like prayer. He was healed as we prayed, put his hearing aid in his pocket and walked on!
Saturday’s healing meeting was in a local church and there were people we had met on the streets, people from churches and everywhere else! 22 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus. Some were friends and people we had prayed for for ages.
People were healed in their seats by the spoken word. One lady, as she stood up, started to cry and exclaim, ‘My back, my back!’ She called her daughter over and said she had no pain in her back. The daughter, who had also come forward for salvation, said, ‘You mean the back pain you have had for 20 years?!’ She then had prayer for her neck and hearing and sight! Her husband had also come forward for salvation.

The final meeting took place at the local football ground on the Sunday night, when many of the church leaders took part in the meeting in some way, and there were a number of significant healings, such as a lady who had not been able to smell for seven years, and a neighbour, who isn’t yet a Christian, who received healing in her shoulder! There was great joy at being together and excitement about what God was going to do next.