Our signature training course to raise up and release church planters, leaders and workers who will spread the good news of the kingdom!

6-month discipleship course with Ichthus for young adults that will strengthen the roots and foundations of your life in Jesus

Calling all 18-24 year olds who want to deepen their discipleship and discover the call of God on their lives!

Bible Strong is a monthly opportunity to receive in-depth, Christ-centred teaching and ask questions about a particular book of the Bible

Bible Stream has been replaced by Bible Strong

Bible School no longer runs but was started by Roger Forster

Throughout the year we hold a number of training courses to help you grow deeper into ministry. Whether you are looking to become a leader, want to evangelise, or discover the call on your life, there is a course for you.

Visit the individual course page, or email training@ichthus.org.uk for further information